State Disaster Management Authority Govt. Of Arunachal Pradesh

Fires at home are generally due to electrical short circuit or smoking or overheating.

Faulty electrical appliances can result in a fire, so it’s important to check them regularly to make sure they are operating properly. Frayed or damaged cords should be unplugged and replaced immediately.

If you have kids at home, consider opting for tamper-resistant electrical pugs and points, so that they don’t injure themselves or pose a risk when you are not directly supervising.

It is dangerous to constantly overload outlets with high-wattage devices, so it’s strongly recommended that you spread out your appliances.

As far as lighting goes, only use light bulbs that match the fixture’s recommended wattage.

Extension cords come in really handy when you need to plug in multiple devices in any given vicinity.

Just make sure that they are not tucked in under rugs, carpet, or other furniture.

Since they power so many things, it’s inevitable that extension cords get hot and when overheated, it could fray or wear out, resulting in a potential fire hazard.

If you experience problems with any outlet or wiring at home often, such as blown fuse, constant light flickering, or sparking, then you may want to contact an electrician and have him fix the problem.

Don’t postpone such issues , it’s always better to tackle these problems as they arise

Another really common cause of house fires is smoking accidents.

Smoking indoors is never a good idea.

Take the extra step and go out onto your balcony or backyard if you must smoke. When you are done smoking, make sure that the cigarette/bidi  is completely stubbed out in the ashtray or run under water.


Most house fires occur as a result from using cooking oils, fryers, microwaves, and unattended cooking.

To avoid potential hazards, never leave the kitchen unattended while cooking, especially when you are using high temperatures or cooking oil.

After you are done cooking, ensure that the stove and/or oven is completely turned off before leaving the kitchen.

Hot items should be kept away from loose clothing, dish towels, and other fabrics that could potentially cause a fire.


You might be thinking that these fire safety tips are common sense.

However, it’s easy to overlook them especially when busy and stressed about work, the holidays, and more. It’s not uncommon that people lose track of even the most basic precautions.

So whether you’re reading this piece to gain informational knowledge

or to get a very much needed reminder, know that you can never play it too safe when it comes to fire prevention at home.

Taking the necessary measures will not only save you and your loved ones but also your precious belongings.