State Disaster Management Authority Govt. Of Arunachal Pradesh


1. In case of fire, dial 101 (or the special number for FIRE SERVICE in your area/ town).

2. Learn at least two escape routes and ensure they are free from obstacles.

3. Remain calm, unplug all electrical appliances.

4. Keep a bucket of water and blankets ready.

5. If clothes catch fire, Stop, Drop, and Roll.

6. In case of an uncontrolled fire, wrap the victim in a blanket, till the fire ceases/stops.

7. Don’t burn crackers in crowded, congested places, narrow lanes, or inside the house.

8. Don’t cover crackers with tin containers or glass bottles for extra sound effects.

9. Avoid wearing long loose clothes, as they are fast in catching fire,

10. Don’t remove burnt clothing (unless it comes off easily).

11. Don’t apply adhesive dressing on the burnt area.

12. Don’t throw lighted cigarette butts.

Nature is full of bounty and beauty.Protect it and fulfill your duty,