State Disaster Management Authority Govt. Of Arunachal Pradesh


Arunachal Pradesh attained its statehood on 20th February 1987. It is situated in the NorthEastern part of India with 83743 sq. kms area and has a long international border with Bhutan to the west (160 km), China to the north and north-east (1,080 km) and Myanmar to the east (440 km). It stretches from snow-capped mountains in the north to the plains of Brahmaputra valley in the south.
Arunachal is the largest state area-wise in the north-east region, even larger than Assam which is the most populous. Till 1972, it was known as the North-East Frontier Agency (NEFA). It gained the Union Territory status on January 20, 1972 and was renamed as Arunachal Pradesh. It is situated between latitude 26° 30′ N and 29° 30 ‘ N and longitude 91° 30′ E and 97° 30’ E.
At present there are 20 Districts and 1 Capital Complex, 31 ADC HQ (Ind), 11 SDO HQ, 25 EAC HQ 121 circles and 909 Blocks. Each district is under the administrative control of a Deputy Commissioner. Each Civil sub-division is under the control of an Additional Deputy Commissioner / Sub-Divisional Officer. There are 3863 nos. of villages (2011 census).



Male 7,20,232
Population Density17 persons per sq. km
Decadal Growth Rate 25.92% (2001-2011)
Infant Mortality Rate (IMR)37
Effective Literacy Rate66.95%

Source: provisional population census 2011