Arunachal Pradesh attained its statehood on 20th February 1987. It is situated in the NorthEastern part of India with 83743 sq. kms area and has a long international border with Bhutan to the west (160 km), China to the north and north-east (1,080 km) and Myanmar to the east (440 km). It stretches from snow-capped mountains in the north to the plains of Brahmaputra valley in the south.
Arunachal is the largest state area-wise in the north-east region, even larger than Assam which is the most populous. Till 1972, it was known as the North-East Frontier Agency (NEFA). It gained the Union Territory status on January 20, 1972 and was renamed as Arunachal Pradesh. It is situated between latitude 26° 30′ N and 29° 30 ‘ N and longitude 91° 30′ E and 97° 30’ E.
At present there are 20 Districts and 1 Capital Complex, 31 ADC HQ (Ind), 11 SDO HQ, 25 EAC HQ 121 circles and 909 Blocks. Each district is under the administrative control of a Deputy Commissioner. Each Civil sub-division is under the control of an Additional Deputy Commissioner / Sub-Divisional Officer. There are 3863 nos. of villages (2011 census).
Population | 3,82,611 |
Male | 7,20,232 |
Female | ,62,379 |
Population Density | 17 persons per sq. km |
Decadal Growth Rate | 25.92% (2001-2011) |
Infant Mortality Rate (IMR) | 37 |
Effective Literacy Rate | 66.95% |
Source: provisional population census 2011