State Disaster Management Authority Govt. Of Arunachal Pradesh


1. Keep ready an Emergency Kit with important medication. Postpone outdoor activities.

2. Remember, rubber-soled shoes and rubber tires provide NO protection from lightning.

3. Unplug any all electrical/ electronic equipment/ appliances such as bubs, computers, fans, etc. and turn off air conditioners well before the storm arrives.

4. Use your battery-operated Radio for news updates. Avoid contact with electrical equipments or cords.

5. Do not lie on concrete/ marble floors and do not lean against concrete walls.

6. Continue to listen to local radio and television stations for updated information or instructions, as access to roads or some parts of the locality may be blocked.

7. Help people who may require special assistance, such as infants, children, women and the elderly.
8. Stay away from broken power lines and report them immediately.Alert today. Alive Tomorrow