State Disaster Management Authority Govt. Of Arunachal Pradesh


To organize, to strengthen and enhance the capabilities of all the stakeholders in the State enabling them immediately respond to disaster using their own available resources in minimizing the effects/ impacts of disasters with optimum use of external aid or resources. There by achieving the aim of disaster resilient state.


  • To study the state’s vulnerability to different kinds of disasters.
  • The measures to be adopted for prevention and mitigation before, during & after disasters.
  • The manner in which mitigation measures shall be integrated with development plans. The capacity building and preparedness measures to be taken.
  • The roles and responsibilities of each Department of the Government of the State in relation to the measures specified above.
  • The roles and responsibilities of different Departments of the Government of the State in responding to any threatening or disaster situation or disaster.
  • Methodologies for the annual review and updating of the State Plan.
  • Appropriate provisions for finance for the measures to tackle disaster/ capacity building to be carried out by the State Government.
  • Availability to the Departments of the Government of the State and the provision and methodology of such Departments to draw up their own plans in accordance with the state plan.


The objectives of the State Disaster Management Plan are to ensure

  • Involvement of all the stakeholders in the community in making disaster resilient State.
  • To prepare the comprehensive plan on Prevention, Response and Recovery mechanism. To promote culture of Planning, Preparedness and Prevention rather than Rescue, Relief and Restoration. Mainstreaming Disaster Risk Reduction in the developmental planning process.
  • To create awareness among general masses on Disasters and analyze SWOT and strengthen their capacity.
  • To capacitate the community in mitigation activities using their own available resources.
    State Disaster Management Plan 2016
  • To ensure efficient response and relief mechanism with special care to vulnerable sections of the society.
  • To promote a culture of construction of safe building structures and habitat which are disaster-resistant To ensure transparent and full proof recovery/ rescue/ relief mechanism
  • To ensure efficient response and relief mechanism with special care to vulnerable sections of the society.
  • To promote a culture of construction of safe building structures and habitat which are disaster resistant
  • To ensure a transparent and full proof recovery/ rescue/ relief mechanism.