State Disaster Management Authority Govt. Of Arunachal Pradesh


1. Listen to Radio or TV weather reports and alert everyone through a loudspeaker or by going home to home.
2. Identify safe shelter in your areas These should be cyclone-resistant and also find the closest route to reach them.
3. Keep your emergency kit and basic food supply, medicines, torch, and batteries, etc. ready.
4. Doors, windows, roofs, and walls should be strengthened before the cyclone season through retrofitting and repairing.
5. Store adequate food grains and water in safe places.
6. Conduct Mock Drills for your family and the community.
7. Do not venture into the sea. Stay Indoors under the strongest part of the house if not moved to the cyclone shelter.
8. Remain indoors until advised that the cyclone has passed away.
9. Do not go out till officially advised that it is safe. If evacuated, wait till advised to go back.
10. Use the recommended route to return to your home. Do not rush.
11. Be careful of broken powers lines, damaged roads, and houses, fallen trees, etc.

Ignoring a warning Can cause much mourning.